ToxProtect inspires its customers

Unsere Kunden berichten

Erfolgsgeschichten aus der Praxis

Stadt Rheda-Wiedenbrück
Ludger Wördemann
With the VarioFix system, the bait protection boxes can be easily installed and quickly relocated as needed.
Osterholzer Stadtwerke GmbH & Co. KG
Kai Finken
Rat poisons are a great danger for humans and the environment. With the ball-b bait protection boxes, we make an important contribution to the sustainable handling of these poisons.
Stadtwerke Görlitz
Roland Gäbler
Thanks to the unique sensor technology, we can now determine exactly where and how large the actual population is.
EVB Entsorgungs- u. Verkehrsbetriebe Wismar
Torsten Fick
With one click I get an overview of all bait locations and the current rat population. This is unique.
Eigenbetrieb Stadt Lörrach
Volker Plump
The drastic reduction in the use of toxins of over 90% has not only convinced us – it makes it imperative to use the ToxProtect.
Abwasserverband Oberer Rheingau
Thomas Berger
A super system for pest control from Nuremberg that supports us in our daily work – from professionals for professionals
Stadt Bad Kissingen
Marco Steinfeld
With help from the bait protection boxes, we have significantly reduced the use of poisons and at the same time gained in effectiveness.
Rockstroh GmbH
Alexander Herrling
With ball-b we have found a partner with whom we can jointly offer a modern rat control system unlike any other.
Abwasserverband Fulda
Peter Geffe
Electronic monitoring allows the current rat hotspots to be identified quickly and easily
Pflanzen- und Ernährungsschutz Halle GmbH
Udo Grabaum
Understanding the need, listening well and delivering a suitable product – this is what we can attest to ball-b and recommend ToxProtect to every pest controller.
Abwasserverband „Untere Döllnitz“
Peter Jahn
Due to the easy assembly, evaluation and maintenance, we were able to significantly reduce the amount of work and the use of toxic substances.
Dienstleistung & Handel Wehr
Björn Griener
The solution from Nuremberg has proven itself in daily use and we are enthusiastic about the overall solution of hardware and software.

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ToxProtect from ball-b

our innovative rat control technology